The Byte Stuff (Your Vehicle's Computers)
May 31, 2021
Nobody has to tell you that computers are a part of so many things in our lives. Smartphones, kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, televisions. You name itit has a computer in it. And your vehicle is no exception. The earliest cars relied on the technology of their time, and there was no such ... More

Steering Clear in Lorain
May 30, 2021
Those who know vehicles believe the steering system may be the most vital component of them all. Perhaps you've found over the years your steering has gotten loose. Or maybe suddenly, your steering wheel has gotten very hard to turn. Let's steer you in the direction of understanding why this may ... More

Maintaining Your Diesel in Lorain
May 29, 2021
Diesel engines have been used extensively in Europe and Asia for many years. They haven't been as common in the Lorain area because of the high sulfur content in our diesel fuel. But the government is now mandating lower sulfur content and, as a result, we are going to see more Lorain diesel-fue... More

Wheel Balancing at Tuffy Lorain
May 28, 2021
So you love your job, and your family life is great. Congratulations! You have achieved balance. But can you say the same for your wheels? Lorain drivers can tell if their tires are out of balance by vibrations at higher speeds on Ohio roads. If one of the front tires is out, you feel the vibrat... More